Proper typing technique is absolutely critical to the success of a 9-1-1 Dispatcher. Typing speed is also a requirement of 9-1-1 Dispatch applicants and very few people can acheive 45 words per minute without the traditional technique of using the home row. The idea is that the typist's fingers rest on a series of keys in the middle of the keyboard and always return to these keys after each keystroke. The image below indicates which fingers rest on which home row keys.
Furthermore, each finger is assigned different letters on the keyboard. Only that one finger will depress that key. And after hitting the key it will return to its position on the home row. The graphic below illustrates which finger is associated with which keys.
It may be difficult at first, but if you need to become a faster typer, you must first learn the proper technique. This is discouraging at first as your typing speed will actually decrease, but it is a smart investment for the future as your typing speed will eventually surpass your previous scores.