911 Operator Jobs, Testing, Interviews, Uniforms, and more
9-1-1 Operator Job Titles
Background Checks
Dispatcher Stories
Frequently Asked Questions
How 9-1-1 Works
9-1-1 Operator Job Titles
Background Checks
Dispatcher Stories
Frequently Asked Questions
How 9-1-1 Works
911 Operator and Emergency Dispatcher Background CheckFollowing the testing and interview, the selection committee will choose the most promising candidates and conduct background, and health checks on them. These background checks vary amongst agencies, with higher levels of security clearances being required for police dispatch. Some agencies also require psychological testing conducted through interviews with a forensic psychologist and a written personality profile. Generally, advanced background and psychological testing is used for security reasons in hiring for police departments, whereas ambulance and fire services conduct simpler background checks that include criminal background checks and driver’s abstracts, etc. Your job offer may also require passing a physical assessment. In 9-1-1 employment, these physical assessments are typically very simple and consist of testing eye sight, hearing and basic movements of your hands and arms to ensure that you can sit and type on a keyboard.
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